8 Mukhi Rudraksha


RULING PLANET: RAHU REPRESENTING DEITY: LORD GANESH BENEFITS: For removing obstacles and hurdles and good for career growth. For back pain, body pain, kidney and liver ailments.


Quantity :

Category :Religious and Spiritual Goods

Sub Category :Himalayan Rudraksha

Stock : 100

As per Shastra’s :

।। अष्टवक्त्रो महासेन साद्देवो विनायको एरामदिनि पापानि हन्ति सर्वानी धारणात्। विघ्नास्तस्य प्रनशयन्ति याति चान्ते परम् पदम् ।।
श्रीमद देवीभागवतम स्क ११, अ ३, श्लो ३१

8 Mukhi Rudraksha is Lord Ganesh (Vinayak). All sins of the wearer get absolved and obstacles removed.

Shrimad Devi Bhagavatam Chapter. 11, Shloka. 31

Essence of Eight Mukhi Rudraksha:

The 8 Mukhi Rudraksha is graced by Lord Ganesh. He is the Pratham Pujya, the deity who is always invoked first before undertaking any kind of work. His presence is known to bestow intellect with wisdom, stability and removal of hindrances. Where Lord Ganesha is present all obstacles fall away. As per texts like Shrimad Devi Bhagwatam and Padma Purana Lord Karthikeya also blesses the 8 Mukhi Rudraksha. The Rudraksha Jabalo Upanishad mentions that the eight Vasus, eight divine mother Goddesses and Mother Ganga (the sacred river known for washing away sins) also bless this bead. The Shri Rudram a hymn that describes the magnificence of Lord Shiva opens with a prayer to Lord Ganesha first

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